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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"Working" Vs. Staying Home

On Monday, I wrote about how much the role of housewife has changed since the 50's. There is one major difference, that I did not cover. THE JUDGEMENT, that comes along with staying home nowadays. Judgement from who? From other mothers, who work outside of the home.

I have noticed a lot of pins on Pinterest lately related to this topic. Here is an example:

I have the UTMOST respect for parents who work full-time and have children. I honestly don't know how they do it. I do not however have respect for those, who think that they are better than me.

Yes, you have a full-time job.... but guess what? While you are gone during the day, your house stays clean and your children are taken care of. That's the difference. My full-time job IS caring for my children. Would you judge someone who worked in childcare for being tired at the end of the day? No, because you would consider that "working".

MOST people have busy and stressful lives. I will never understand why we have to tear each other down, to feel like what we're doing is more worthwhile. MOST parents work hard. Anyone who has spent a few hours with a young child, understands this.

I realize by posting this blog, I am not going to change any ones mind or the stigma that comes along with being a SAHM. I just wish people would remember that parenting, is hard work, no matter the situation. No one way of doing it, is better than the other.

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