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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Business of Writing

In second or third grade, my first book was bound and on the shelf of my school's library. From that moment on, I was hooked. Writing has always been fairly easy and incredibly fun for me. Throughout my years at school, writing assignments, were always my favorite. My Freshman year of college, I was asked to write an essay, about an experience, that changed my life. I wrote a paper about my Grandma and her strength when my Grandpa passed away. I ended up having to fight with my professor, to give me a grade. For weeks, she accused me of plagiarism. It was annoying but I actually found it to be a great complement. In the end, she gave up and gave my paper an A.

I have written many poems for loved ones, wedding toasts, and love letters to my husband but it wasn't until I got an idea for a children's book, that I realized how tough the business of writing really is. Almost two years ago, I wrote the first draft of my book Mommy Called In Sick. Since then, I have spent countless hours re-writing it, printing it, stuffing it into envelopes, writing query letters to editors and agents, making address labels, researching, sticking stamps, re-reading it aloud, and praying that someone somewhere will like it.

I picture my manuscript sitting in a pile on some assistant's desk. My heart, soul, a huge piece of me, just waiting there. All it needs is ONE person to take an extra moment to look it over. For ONE person to think "Hmmmm, there might be something here." I am well aware, that two years is not that much time at all, when it comes to trying to get published. I cannot imagine spending my whole life going through this process. Then again, I cannot imagine giving up on this story. I believe in it so strongly.

Beside my desk, is a wall of rejection letters. Some people might think that I am crazy for saving them and extra nuts for displaying them. They serve as a reminder to me, to keep trying. Agents and publishers receive thousands of unpublished manuscripts a year. They hardly have the time, to give the proper attention, to each and every one. My "wall of a rejection" pushes me to make them notice. To make my work too good to refuse.

I am, however, getting stronger. The first round of rejection letters was hard. I seemed to get one back a day in the mail for weeks. It hurt every single time. Now, I am more determined than ever to keep going and find that ONE person, who believes in my book as strongly as I do.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Time Management Momma

A little over a month ago, I asked my facebook friends, how they run their homes. A majority of them seemed to answer "it gets done, when it gets done, if it ever gets done."  I decided to create a cleaning schedule, for my home, to see how/if it would make a difference in our lives. I was so tired of picking up the same things over and over again every day and when the weekend rolled around feeling overwhelmed because I had an entire house to "deep" clean.

I broke my house down into sections and divided them between the days of the week, leaving Saturday empty. I had high hopes of never waking up with work to do on a Saturday morning. This is how it worked out for us:

Monday- Kitchen
Tuesday: Front Living Room and Laundry
Wednesday: Bedrooms
Thursday: Back Living Room and Laundry
Friday: Bathrooms
Sunday: Laundry

At the end of the first week, I was a huge fan. Mornings rather smoother, and evenings were much more relaxing because I was able to clear that mental to-do list, that is constantly running through my head. I forced myself to only worry about that days tasks. Of course, in any home, there are always extras that need to be done. Cleaning up after meals, loading and unloading the dishwasher, picking up toys, making beds and so on. It all seemed easier because I wasn't worrying about the entire house.

I realize that this system might not be as easy for everyone. I stay at home with my children, so I have more time during the day to get things done. My advice in this situation is to use a timer. In the evening, set the timer for 30 minutes and spend those 30 minutes focusing on only ONE space. I promise you, at the end of the week, you will be very happy with the results.

As anyone with small children knows, there are days when you cannot get anything productive done. Having the schedule also helped on these days, because my husband is able to come home and be on the exact same page as me. On those crazy days, he can help me complete the job for that day and we can get back on schedule.

Now, for the last week, I have been sick and then I spent the weekend away scrap booking. My house this morning is a disaster. It's almost to the point, where I don't have a clue where to begin. My plan is to just jump right back to my schedule. I am not going to worry about every room at once, just today's room. It takes the stress away and makes it so much easier to focus.

Overall, the last month or so on this schedule, has been extremely rewarding. Our house is honestly the cleanest that it has ever been. When you clean this way, you are able to take the time, to do the things you might not do on a regular basis. The biggest plus for me, is that I no longer feel guilty taking a nap :) because I know everything is getting done.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dream Chasing

What would you be or do if money, time and reality were not an issue? If you could snap your fingers and make your dreams come true?

I know as parents, we sacrifice a lot of ourselves for our children. We feel like we are doing right by them and putting off our needs for "someday". I just don't know if that's true. It seems to me, that our children would be better off with the best versions of their parents. I know bills have to be paid, and housework has to be done, but what are we doing in the few quiet moments of parenting for ourselves?

I am and will probably always be a dreamer. I fantasize about all that could be. What would I do if time, money and reality weren't an issue? I would write, everyday. I would craft, whenever the spirit moved me. I would plan parties and events and gatherings, just because. These are the things that make me feel, well like me. My husband would probably become a professional fisherman and spend his days out on a lake somewhere.

Remember.... I said if reality was not an issue. What would you do or be?