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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Yes, I'm An Interrupter. . . .

As we grow older, we become more aware of the qualities that we like and dislike in other people and in ourselves. Everyone has flaws. Things about themselves that they wish they could change. Things about themselves that they are aware of and try to work on. I AM AN INTERRUPTER.

 Now, I'm not saying that this is my one and only flaw. There are many but this is one that REALLY drives me crazy. I'm guessing, that's because it also drives me nuts when other people do it. The strange part is, that I would also consider myself to be a good listener. At least, I genuinely try to be. I care about what other people have to say and I love having deep conversations. Sharing and talking things out. It's so important.

I honestly, believe that I enjoy a good conversation so much, that I just get overly enthusiastic. The words just shoot out of my mouth, before the other person has had a chance to finish their thought. I swear, I don't do it on purpose. The moment that I realize, that I cut someone off, I immediately start beating myself up in my head. I feel like a creep and then try to keep my mouth shut for as long as possible. I get quiet, probably too quiet, because I want the other person to know that I am in fact listening to them.

I have posted before, that I can be socially awkward. When I am meeting someone new, I put a great deal of pressure on myself. I know that I come off as stuck up sometimes, simply because I have no clue how to act. I have been told by many people, that they thought this, when they first met me. I also put a great deal of pressure on myself, to be a "good" friend. I want people, to want to spend time with me. Who doesn't right? Interrupting others, might not seem like a huge deal to some people, but for me it's embarrassing. I can't stand that I do it. Then again, I don't want to be over thinking it so much, that people don't have a chance to get to know the "real" me.

So yes, I am an interrupter...... but I'm working on it :)

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