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Monday, November 19, 2012

Not Your 50's Housewife

I am a SAHM and a wife, but sometimes the term "housewife" makes me cringe. Not because I believe there is anything wrong with being a housewife. Women fought for their rights and I think that making the choice to stay home, is also one of our many options. I don't care for the word housewife, because of what other people believe it means. They picture me barefoot and pregnant, standing in front of a sink full of dishes, contemplating what I will spend my allowance on this week.

I recently came across this article online. A guide to being a good wife from "Housekeeping Monthly" in 1955. I was surprised to find that I do agree with some of the points on the list . . . . . sorta.

I do try and have dinner done, when my husband gets home. The reason is because our kids like to eat early, and it's nice for all of us to be able to sit down together. My husband has never asked for this, or been upset on the MANY days, when it just doesn't work out that way.

If I have the extra time, I do try to clear away the clutter. I don't like walking into a room with toys all over the floor. It stresses me out. So I imagine, that he would feel the same way. This I do, because it makes our evening run smoother. Again, this has never been requested and I don't worry if I can't get to it in time.

Lastly, listen to him and don't greet him with complaints. I try to listen to what my husband has to say, but he also does the same for me. He cares about my day, the same way that I care about his. I do make a conscious effort not to bombard him with complaints the moment he walks in the door. I don't really want to hear him complain right away either. We usually save all of that for after dinner. Ha!

That's about it. As far as getting "ready" for him to come home. Most days I am still in comfy pants, with my hair pulled up, and no makeup on my face. This just isn't practical. Sure, I would like too look better at the end of the day, but just because it would probably make me feel better. If he doesn't love me in a sweatshirt and ponytail, then we have a major problem!

Staying at home, has certainly changed. Although, I will admit, I do like to feel like I am taking care of my husband, I also like when he takes care of me. When I do things like, pack him for a trip, it's not because I feel like I have to, it's because I want to. It makes me happy to do those things for him.

The way we run our households and the way we raise our children has also changed. These is so much pressure to be "supermom". Its not all about having spotless floors and making a 4 course meal. We are expected to be involved at school, teach at home to advance our kids, do crafts and activities, play and interact constantly. When is the last time you sent your preschooler outside to play all day, while you went inside to get things done? It just doesn't work like that anymore. If I ask my daughter, to "just go play", she looks at me like I'm an alien. She expects that I will be sitting down to play barbies too. Our lives are busy and full, and we feel guilty if some other mother has her 2-year-old writing their name and ours is still scribbling.

I feel like, if we could take a little of the 50's housewife and a little of the modern day mom, and combine the two thoughts, it would be so much better. There is something to be said about really making a house a home, and definitely something to be said about having an equal relationship with your partner.

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