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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Some Dos and Don'ts

In my opinion these are a few things to do, and not to do when planning for a new baby :)

Don't stock up on items like diapers, pacifiers, and bottles. These things are all based on preference. You may have to try out a few kinds to find out what works for you and your baby.
Do stock up on items like shampoo, lotion,laundry soap and medicine. Although all babies are different, most of these products are for sensitive skin anyways.

Don't spend the big bucks on a pack n play. Unless you are picky about color and size, they are all basically the same.
Do spend the big bucks on a good monitor. There are so many cheap monitors that don't work the way you need them to.

Don't buy a fancy bassinet or moses basket. Really your baby will only sleep in these for a short period of time. As long as they are clean and safe, they will work just fine. Some babies end up sleeping in bouncy chairs anyways.
Do take your time when buying the crib, and nursery furniture. These items will be moved, passed down, chewed, and take a beating during your child raising years. Quality is very important.

Do buy a large bottle of hand sanitizer if you are concerned with germs, and people holding your new baby. I was always embarrassed to ask people to wash their hands. I found that most people noticed the bottle, and used it immediately. That way I didn't have to ask as often.

Don't go overboard on the tiny cutesy outfits. I know, they are fun to buy and look at before your baby is born. In the first few months you will rarely leave the house, and they will grow out of those pricey outfits before they see the light of day. Seriously, they will never wear shoes.
Do buy lots of onesies, sleepers, and changing table pads. This will pretty much be your child's wardrobe for a long time, and it is nice to have lots of spares. Who wants to do laundry when you could be sleeping?

Don't be afraid to take any help offered, or ask for it when you need it. Let your mom take care of your baby for an hour so you can sleep. You will need it.
Do try to enjoy those middle of the night moments as much as possible. Although you are exhausted, that alone time with your baby is precious.

That's all for now. Please feel free to add your own items in the comments :)


  1. One thing that helped Dave & I when we had Chance & we both worked full time was to split the night instead of each of us doing every other night. He took the 8pm-12am shift & I did the 12am-6am shift. Yes - his shift was shorter, but I worked in an office & he was outside working all day & the 4 hours or more that I slept after 8pm always felt like 6-8 hours.

    Also - don't worry about taking everyone's advice. Listen to the well-doers & take it all in stride and do what you as the parents feel is good for your child. There is no one size fits all for babies.

    Love the blog!

  2. Love the blog. Great advice as always. Re. the cute-sie outfits. When Trish was born, first girl after five boys she was blessed (lol) with a dozen adorable little dresses, sizes 0-3 months. I would have killed for onesies and sleepers.
    I had a mother's helper when the four younger were little. Her main job after school was to play with the kids, get them up from their naps and read or keep them away from me while I took a nap. Worth every penny in mental and physical health. Keep up the good word.
