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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Oh Snap!

Children have a way of making us snap and snapping us back to reality.

 A few months ago I was making L's lunch. She was standing in the living room nagging me to work quicker. "Momma! Momma! Where's my lunch? I want my lunch. Momma!" After a few minutes of this, I snapped. "I am working on it L!" She stopped, looked at me and said " You going crazy Momma?" . . . . .  It was so funny I couldn't help but start laughing. I snapped and she snapped me back to the real world.

On another occasion, I was trying very hard to put something together. I don't even remember what it was anymore. I was getting so frustrated because I couldn't do something that seemed so simple. I yelled out a loud "ahhhhh!" L said "what's the matter?" I told her that I was upset because I could not figure it out. After a few minutes I finally got it. L looked up at me and said "Good job Momma! You did it!" She actually made me feel pretty proud of myself. Whatever I was doing obviously wasn't that important to begin with, or I would remember what it was now. I was being my typical dramatic self, and again my 2 year-old brought me back to real life.

Children also have a way of helping us to remember what is really important. A couple weekends ago I was up north with my family. We were getting ready to go to a craft show, and I couldn't decide what to wear. I changed my clothes a thousand times, messed with my hair, and worried about my make-up. Then right before leaving, I changed D's diaper. I discovered that he had blood in his stool. This changed everything. I no longer cared about my clothes, or how I looked. My main concern was my baby, and how to make him feel better.

Sometimes, as parents, we get caught up in what is suppose to happen, and how things should go. These tiny little miracles, have a way of reminding us daily what really matters. My life would certainly be much different without having them around to "snap me out of it" :)

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