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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Art of the Diaper Bag

Packing the perfect diaper bag is a skill that gets better over time. When you first have a child you either pack up the entire nursery, or leave the really important items at home. I have it down to a science now.

* For major events and holidays, I ALWAYS pack the diaper bag the night before. In the morning rush, getting multiple people ready to go, you will surely forget something. Taking the time at night, after everyone is asleep, will save so much time and frustration.

* I pack based on the amount of time we plan to be gone. Do the math. On average you will change a diaper every 2-3 hours. Then pack one extra. The same rule for bottles, and snacks. The minute you think they will eat completly on schedule, you will offer a bottle that is refused because there is simply too much going on around them.

* Items you think will be "life savers" before your baby is born, will just be in the way when you are digging franticly to find a pacifier. There comes a point when pacifier wipes, fancy snack holders, and a million back up activites will just become obstacles.

* Pack from bottom to top. Put things in the order you assume you will need them. I start with extra clothes on the very bottom. You will rarely use them, but you will appreciate the fact that they are there. Then I stack wipes, diapers, and bibs. When you have to grab a bib fast, you will be thankful not to have to dig to the bottom. On the side you will want bottles, sippy cups(only when going somewhere you know won't have their own. They take up space and will spill nomatter how fantastic you think they are), snacks, and formula (if you use it). Travel formula containers are so much easier away from home than anything else I have tried. With my first child, I used to carry around a baggie full of formula. Not only was it a pain, but I left a trail of white powder every where I went. If traveling with a toddler, keep the toys and activities simple. A small book or two, a little toy that won't mean too much if it gets lost, and the magna-doodle mentioned in my previous post. That is all you will need, if that.

*Don't bring the entire medicine cabinet everywhere you go. Only pack what you would use on a normal day. I highly doubt you will ever be stuck somewhere without a store close by. You will not need lotion, tylenol, or teething gel on a typical day. Again, it will only get in the way.

*Who said diaper bags had to be ugly? I almost never carry an actual diaper bag. I prefer large purses. They are obviously a little easier on the eyes, but also not as bulky as most diaper bags sold in stores.

Some of these ideas might seem a little lazy, but trust me if you are trying to meet the needs of two children while waiting in a doctors office, it will all make sense.

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