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Monday, April 23, 2012

Cash Only Day 22= FAIL!

Day twenty two of our cash only month was a failure. After a Sunday morning trip the grocery store, our entire spending budget for the week was gone, and I was in a horrible mood. I stood in the check out line, watching the total go up, and felt like I was going to be sick. The total was $60 dollars more than it was the previous week. What was the problem? I got far too confident.

Where I went wrong on day 22:
- Before leaving the house, I didn't check the cupboards.
- I didn't take a detailed list with me to the store.
- I did not keep a running total in my head while shopping.

I had been practicing this new way of spending for a few weeks, and I thought I had it down to a science. I made a dinner plan for the week, but thought I would be fine without a list. I also made the mistake for going to the store on a Sunday morning, when I had plans later that day. My head wasn't in it and I wanted to get in and out of there as fast as possible. All of these mistakes definitely showed up on the receipt. I was already feeling guilty about going to lunch and a movie with a friend that afternoon because I always find it very difficult to spend money on myself. I convinced myself that we had been doing so well, that I deserved to have a little fun.

I did come home with a few items that I don't always need on a regular basis. Things like dog food and paper towels but it was not enough to make that big of a difference. All I can do now is learn from my mistakes and try again next week. Obviously, we will have to spend money throughout the rest of the week but we will continue to use only cash. The budget is important but the main reason for doing this experiment was to see how using cash affects the way we spend. I know that at the end of the month we will still have saved a decent amount of money.


  1. Don't beat yourself up! For it being your first month, you were bound to have a learning experience in there somewhere. ;) As time goes on you will perfect your system.

    And yes, you DO need a lunch date with your friends every once in a while!

  2. What I like about your experiment, which it really is by now is that you come home and, as far as I can tell, review your shopping to see what you could have done differently and then writing yourself either a mental note or a fridge Post it to do better next time. It's scientific. It's how good research is accomplished in any field. Rather give yourself a hug and say "good going Tracy. And take those offers of lunch, wine and girl talk. I'm impressed.
